There was a time that Jesus was preaching and the crowd surrounded the house he was in. Some friends brought a man lying on a stretcher, a paralytic, but could not get in to see Jesus because of the crowd. So knowing something good was going to happen, they dug a hole in the roof of the house and let the man down on a stretcher in front of Jesus. At first Jesus did not heal him, but simply said that because of his faith his sins were forgiven. Then the good religious people reasoned in their hearts, “Who can forgive sins but God alone?”





 Jesus, knowing their thoughts replied “What is easier? To say your sins are forgiven or to say stand up and walk? But so that you may know the son of man has authority to forgive sins …” Then He told the paralytic to stand up, take up his bed and walk. Mathew 9:5,6.
Jesus demonstrated heaven.
Jesus taught his disciples to heal the sick and then say “The kingdom of heaven has come near;” Because in heaven, of course, there is no sickness. So in healing people Jesus was actually demonstrating heaven.

Many people want to tell you how to get to heaven. Only Jesus demonstrates heaven.People need a demonstration and Jesus is still willing to provide it.




Child Healed

Their baby had a brain tumour and the doctor said she had 3 hours to live.  Reasoning they had nothing to lose they brought her to the healing convention. This picture is one year later and she is now about 11 years old.




Kidney Healed

4 years before the healing convention he was hit by a car and his kidneys were damaged. He was too weak to work but felt a big pain after getting prayer and went to the doctors. They x-rayed and asked “Where did you get that new kidney?”







Born Lame

she had never walked until Jesus healed her




Born Blind

She had never seen a thing until as an adult Jesus healed her eyes.




And tell them “The kingdom of Heaven has come near.”