Believe in Jesus and Science

I became a Christian at the University of British Columbia while studying Maths and Physics. This book is the one I wish I had read just after becoming a Christian. While it deals with science, it should not be too technical for anyone to read.
Is faith in Christ rational? In a world where atheism is the fashion among scientists, does science actually support faith in Christ?
Is Genesis one a valid explanation of the origin of the world?
Why did Einstein call physical law in the Universe a miracle?
Why did CS Lewis recognize human speech as super-natural?
Can Darwinism explain the first cell, the explosion of life, the human brain, or the complex machinery of the cell? Could this have happened by natural means?
How was the Christian faith in the miraculous a direct agent of the rise of modern science?
Does Jesus still work miracles today?



“I found the history of science as it affects philosophy and morals very interesting.” Bruce Fast – information engineer.

“Would make a great study for a group.” Jan MacInnes – Presbyterian pastor.



From the physics of the Cosmos to the workings of molecular machines in our cells science reveals a universe designed for Adam and Eve-a creation God could love.
Buy it at Amazon: $19.99 for paperback and $7.99 for the Kindle edition.